
Meeting Management Website

Boardspace is an online application for volunteer directors and administrators of condos, HOAs, non-profits, and charities. This application assists with tools like looking after hundreds of documents, attending meetings, preparing agendas, approving minutes, and keeping to-do lists. Boardspace’s mission statement is to organize the boards of directors of the world and was built by a team that understands the needs of condo and non-profit boards.

In this design sprint, we conducted iterations on the current design for the “Create a Meeting” and “Manage Minutes” user flows to optimize these routes for its users.


Lead Designer for design team of 3

Initial design iterations completed per stakeholder suggestions

Learning Opportunities

During this project, a point of friction arose regarding stakeholder verses user opinions on what could be improved on the site. We gathered the additional feedback from interviewees; but for the purposes of the project goal, we focused the direction of the interviews on improving the Edit Agenda and Meeting Minutes features to optimize the daily workflows.


In conclusion, minor edits were conducted in efforts to improve the user flow of Boardspace. We hoped for the toggle feature to allow allows users to switch screens, allowing them to drag documents into the agenda without needing to change the user credentials. However; during usability testing, users were indifferent regarding this feature.

Adding the option of “moved, seconded by” built into the radio icon removes potential screen crowd, and still allows users to move forward with these actions if needed during a meeting.

Looking to the Future


3 weeks

Mid-September to early October

Usability testing conducted and completed

Usability testing was conducted with current users of Boardspace. The main points of feedback included (1) Fully building out the additional options in the Meeting Minutes screen and (2) raised questions regarding keeping the toggle from the editable view to the static view. The feedback was incorporated into the final designs.

Another potential solution would be to add an Edit icon on the agenda, signaling to the user that they are able to edit the agenda when this icon is utilized. Optionally, an interview with users regarding their thoughts on how we could include the Edit Agenda feature could give us more ideas on how this could be implemented.

I would also conduct more research surrounding the Meeting Minutes flow closer as we received more feedback in this flow on ideas that would improve its functionality. One example is adding a search and filter feature in meeting attendees to allow for secretaries to easily check that certain members are present without having to scroll through the whole list. Another recommendation is to make sure that the radio icons have all the necessary actions that the board of attendees would need during a board meeting.





2nd round of design iterations completed. Suggestions and interview findings sent to stakeholder

Usability Testing


Boardspace Prototype

