

Driven by the observation of monthly and annual subscriptions becoming increasingly popular over the years. Trace is a mobile application whose goal is to manage subscriptions for users, making them more aware of their financial spendings.


Lead Designer

Spearheaded the project from initial concepts to final working prototype

User surveys, usability testing, interviews, feedback analysis

Figma utilized for wireframing and prototyping



  1. Play on ‘sub’ and incorporating a submarine into their logo, whimsical and fun

  2. Option for user to manually add subscriptions is convenient, especially if they do not want to link their bank accounts

  3. Allows you to add items that may not be in the App Store

  4. Like the choice of light blue being main color, consistent with the submarine/water theme. Blue is also a color that incites trust


3 month project

Let’s dive into the problem space. User surveys were conducted to learn more about how users are currently managing their finances.


Primary Research


“How do you currently manage your finances?”

“How do you keep track of all the subscriptions that are being taken out of your bank account?”

“On a scale of 1-5, how much do you know about what is being taken out of your bank account monthly?”

Managing Finances Survey Link


Research from MX found that 89% of consumers are currently using a banking app. to help manage their finances.

Big number!

Based on the insights gathered from market research and user surveys, the 3 most critical user flows for Trace would be to (1) Access Historical Data, (2) View Insights on spendings, and (3) Add a subscription. In addition, an onboarding questionnaire would be incorporated into the initial experience of the application.

Below is the wireframe from the Adding a Subscription user flow.

In a higher fidelity wireframe, the user flow to Access Historical Data is shown below.

Usability Testing

If 89% of consumers are currently using a banking app to look at their spendings, the affinity to use a mobile application to track their finances undoubtedly exists. So, how might we create a resource for people to track their spending so they can be more knowledgeable about where their money is going.


To start, I conducted market research to learn about what solutions currently exist. The 3 platforms I looked at were Rocket Money, Trackmysubs, and Trim. The following information was gathered:


  1. Take Control of Your Finances as the very first interaction with the product. Firm tone

  2. Forbes reference, increases credibility

  3. Nice feature upon downloading to take a survey and go over financial goals so there is a more catered experience on the app

  4. Option to sync bank accounts is cool to transfer subscriptions into app. so user does not need to add


  1. UI allows for clear calls to action buttons

  2. Like the Plaid pop up, with information on credibility

  3. Can clearly identify action buttons


  1. Curious to know if the game aspects of the app. contribute to conversion-- makes the app seem a bit salesly

Actionable Items

  1. Like the 7 day free trial, can we add a “We’ll remind you!” to increase user trust

  2. Maybe reduce some of the gamifying aspects



Actionable Items

  1. Instead of having a menu tab, could we add icons in a more accessible/intuitive way? Maybe across the panel on top?

Actionable Items

  1. Wonder if we have a manual state vs. a more official state for the user to decide which they’d like to proceed with
    “Get the full experience” or “Just browsing??”

  2. Can the app. automatically put things into categories, and almost present the info. to user in a fun way? Almost like Spotify Rewind for where most of user’s money is being spent


Looking to the Future

Financial Management Application

Trace Prototype



  1. The folders on the left panel creates more of a crowded feeling, may overwhelm user

  2. UI can be more minimal, there are a lot of call to actions on the main page

  3. Could there be a tutorial piece? That teaches the user where everything is located

  4. Subscriptions should auto-feed into categories like “Entertainment,” “Food,” etc.

  5. Too much color going on

Rocket Money

Two rounds of usability testing were conducted to validate design decisions and ensure that Trace effectively meets user needs as a financial management application.

In the first round of testing, two key insights emerged. Firstly, one participant expressed that while she saw Trace as a potential budgeting tool, she felt the onboarding questionnaire lacked personalization related to her financial goals. Secondly, both participants encountered difficulties accessing historical reports. Although they eventually located the calendar icon for this feature, they noted that its significance became clear only after discovery. Despite this challenge, both users successfully completed the three assigned tasks, highlighting an area for improvement in icon visibility.

The second round of usability testing focused on the overall fluidity of the interface and the intuitiveness of the design. Feedback indicated that the application could benefit from additional buttons to clarify user actions. Participants also suggested incorporating more brand colors in the onboarding questionnaire to enhance visual interest.

These findings will inform the final iteration of Trace. Buttons will be enlarged and strategically added to main screens to clarify primary actions, ensuring that screens remain uncluttered to avoid user distraction and potential abandonment.

Final Designs

Adding a Subscription User Flow

Accessing Historical Data User Flow

Add a Subscription User Flow

Onboarding Questionnaire User Flow

  1. More accessible icons that increase visibility for website functions

  2. Maybe incorporating a panel at the bottom of the app

Key Performance Indicators

Given that users envision themselves utilizing Trace for effective financial tracking, I would incorporate a feature where users can use the application to track their financial goals. A few goals that users mentioned during usability testing included investing, saving, and paying off debt.

This feature can be added to the Goals icon on the navigation bar.

Market Research

Key User Flows

